Understanding Tooth Sensitivity: Insights from Glendale Periodontics

Understanding Tooth Sensitivity: Insights from Glendale Periodontics

Tooth sensitivity is a common dental problem that affects many people at some point in their lives. At Glendale Periodontics, we understand how discomforting and disruptive this condition can be. This article aims to shed light on the causes of tooth sensitivity and how you can manage or prevent it.

What is Tooth Sensitivity?

Tooth sensitivity, or dentin hypersensitivity, occurs when the enamel that protects our teeth gets thinner, or when gum recession occurs, exposing the underlying surface, the dentin. This exposure leads to discomfort or pain when your teeth are exposed to certain stimuli like hot, cold, sweet, or very acidic foods and drinks.

Causes of Tooth Sensitivity

Enamel Erosion: The most common cause of tooth sensitivity is the erosion of enamel. Enamel can be worn down by:

  • Acidic foods and beverages
  • Overzealous brushing or using a hard-bristled toothbrush
  • Bruxism, or teeth grinding

Gum Recession: Gums might recede due to:

  • Periodontal diseases, which are infections of the gums that damage the soft tissue and bone that support your teeth.
  • Aggressive tooth brushing or inadequate oral hygiene.

Dental Procedures: Sensitivity can occur after dental procedures like teeth whitening, fillings, or dental restorations. This is usually temporary.

Cracked Teeth: Cracked or chipped teeth can fill with bacteria from plaque and cause inflammation in the pulp of the tooth.

Tooth Decay Near the Gum Line: This can also lead to sensitivity.

Managing Tooth Sensitivity

Proper Oral Hygiene: Maintain good oral hygiene practices, including brushing twice a day with a soft-bristled toothbrush and using fluoride toothpaste.

Dietary Changes: Limit acidic foods and drinks like citrus fruits, tomatoes, pickles, and tea.

Use Desensitizing Toothpaste: These toothpastes contain compounds that help block transmission of sensation from the tooth surface to the nerve.

Mouthguards for Bruxism: If you grind your teeth, consider getting a mouthguard to protect your teeth while you sleep.

Regular Dental Visits: Regular check-ups can help identify and treat problems that might be contributing to sensitivity.

Prevention is Key

The best way to deal with tooth sensitivity is to prevent it from occurring. This includes maintaining good dental hygiene, using the right brushing techniques, and regular visits to your periodontist.

At Glendale Periodontics, we’re committed to providing our patients with comprehensive care to address tooth sensitivity and a wide range of periodontal issues. If you’re experiencing any discomfort or have concerns about your oral health, don’t hesitate to contact us. Remember, your comfort and oral health are our top priorities!


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